Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I Can't Prove That This Makes Any Sense

So, to be organized here, we'll go in order of time, not of importance:

This weekend, as most of you know (if you can read), I was in Arkansas for "spring break." It was a long drive, a.k.a. 9 hours one way. A good 22 hours in the car altogether. Good times visiting my family up there (down there?), though. We hadn't seen them for awhile, and a lot of things changed. It's funny how you forget how funny your relatives are when you haven't seen them in awhile...

On our way there, we stopped in Kansas City to hit an American Apparel store, and I FINALLY got an American Apparel hoodie like I've been wanting. A nice addition to the trip.

In Arkansas we did a bit of shopping too, especially at the A to Z stores, i.e. several warehouses full of everything you know you don't need but buy anyway. We brought back gifts back for most of you (you know who you are...). We also gambled...I lost. And on a more exciting note, we got to go 4-wheeling through the open plains of Arkansas. Between the everyone's properties, we had a lot of acres to 4-wheel through. So that was pretty fun and frightening, and other F words I do and don't know!

Next up, I'm hoping most of you know of the big event that was yesterday. All I can say is


It was amazing, because I got my Deluxe Edition copy yesterday in the mail, so I didn't have to wait for three weeks like I thought I would. I've semi-listened to the whole thing as of now, and I'm really excited (funny, iTunes keeps playing all the Pretty. Odd. songs. And it's playing my whole 405-song playlist. Odd. PRETTY odd. Hehheheh. I've been doing that a lot...). It's a lot different, less techno-dancey with !'s, and more laid-back, folky and Beatles-ey with .'s. I'm hoping to get a chance to listen to it all closely tonight, following along with the lyrics and all. I'm so happy Ryan Ross (guitarist) gets to sing, as well! We all knew he had a good voice, so it's good he gets a little mic time, along with Spencer and Jon. In other Panic news, my mom got the tickets for the Council Bluffs concert yesterday. Lots of Panic love on the 25th...

Oh, and I got my Powerspace T-shirt, too. Hopefully it will be washed by tomorrow and I'll be sporting it around. It kinda got lost in the Pretty. Odd. excitement.

Well, due to lack of sleep, I feel that I've been rambling and adding details where they don't need to be added. Can't. Concentrate.

What is Melanie listening to right now?: Dear Maria, Count Me In - All Time Low
P.S. Kait and Liss went to a Three Days Grace concert last night. Check out their blogs for more details...I'm sure it was great!
P.S.S. I'll be uploading the Arkansas pictures soon, too. Stay tuned!

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