Thursday, July 31, 2008

If Life Is A Joke, Why Aren't We Laughing?

Ah, sweet boredom.

Honestly, waking up just before 5 in the morning and delivering papers only takes up at least 2 hours of my long 25-hour day. Yes, 25. It sure feels that way. But Melanie, 1 hour more then everyone else isn't that much. Oh, but it is.

Boredom is no one's friend.

Tomorrow could possibly tie as one of the longest days of my life. Tied with what, you may ask? Well that would be tied with the last two weeks of my life. Sure, not being at work is grand, but the video for I Kissed A Girl and every other crappy song on all the music channels I waste my life on gets old after about the 2,500 time. And sure, Michael Ian Black is highly entertaining but after watching I Love The 80's more times than the average
homo sapien, you wish you hadn't lived in the 80's. Even if you didn't live during the 80's.

bore·dom [bawr-duh .
m, bohr-] –noun the state of being bored; tedium; ennui.

Oh, but I forgot to explain myself. Why will tomorrow be one of the longest days of my life? Not because this particular day has 26 hours, but because Breaking Dawn becomes available to my eager hands at 12:01 a.m. August 2nd. And I will be eagerly waiting to attend the Breaking Dawn release party event at my local Barnes And Noble to pick up said novel. With Alissa, Maddy and Kaitlyn at spat camp and Zoey at the lake I will have no one to ease the wait. So I'll be stuck with the above-mentioned life-wasting TV crap. But Melanie, the internet is always available. Well, that would lead me to, as Seth the webmaster describes it, B.D. Countdownitis, on the Twilight website (see, The Breaking Dawn quotes are also nice). Watching those silly silly milliseconds wind down the hours of my wait. That would be bad. And Twilighting is not good for the brain either.

Oh, the pain.

What is Melanie listening to right now?: Untouched - The Veronicas
P.S. I recommend the homo sapien article.
P.S.S. HAPPY 75th post!

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