Monday, April 6, 2009

My Cat Is Sitting On My Arm Like An Evil James Bond Character's Cat

Don't worry, I really am alive. Although I must say, influenza B sure does take it out of you. And it takes you out of two weeks of school too, which sucks. A lot. So, if you were expecting a lot of detailed postage since I've been tardy, I'm afraid you will be disappointed, because laying immobile on a couch for two weeks does not create a lot of interesting blog material. I can tell you one thing tough; daytime television is awful. There is a reason that people get jobs - other than the fact that one needs to eat - and go to school, and that is because there is absolutely nothing on TV from about 9 until 4. It's positively atrocious. Same as Jane Eyre. Mr. Rochester's a total creeper, the book is bizarre, it's assigned reading, which I hate, and it's just all around painful to read. Classic literature, my butt. I've yet to find a redeeming quality. But, we did have a snowball fight in English today, so I guess there's one good thing that has come out of the last few weeks of class. And this snowball fight was not outside like most snowball fights are, this was in the middle of the English wing, in Mrs. Klawonn and Mrs. Harvey's classrooms. I didn't see what the other room looked like, but after the entire AP English class pelleted us with snowballs, the entire floor was covered in snow, along with the whole class. Mrs. Klawonn, on the other hand was hiding in a corner of a room while we took the hits. Very classy. It was all in good fun, though, and it pretty much made my sophomore year. I have pictures on my phone.

Now, some of you may have been left confused by that last paragraph, but you see, we live in South Dakota. We get freak spring snow storms in April. Six inches on April 4? We are not bothered. All of that snow melted on the roads by April 5? Whatevs. It happens.

There's a few new things rocking my world in music these days, and I will grace you all with those because I am a nice person.

All Time Low's new song from the new album Nothing Personal, Weightless.

Clips from two new The Audition songs from the new self-titled album.

Nevershoutnever!'s new song Losing It.

Cobra Starship's new song Pete Wentz Is The Only Reason We're Famous.

Also, Madina Lake's new album Attics To Eden leaked and I listened to it. If anyone else would like a little preview, just say so and I can show you where to listen. But, can anybody tell me who killed Madina Lake? It's so different. I kind of like it, but Madina Lake was different than everyone else, and they were good. What happened? Does anybody else think The Audition's album should also leak because it sounds like it's going to be freakin' awesome?

What is Melanie listening to right now?: Folkin' Around - Panic At The Disco
P.S. If anybody has the funding to purchase All Time Low's song, feel free to send me a copy.

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