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You Are the Cheese to My Macaroni
Long time no blog. I figured today would be a good opportunity to report, as something interesting has finally happened. Not only is our toilet clogged beyond belief since SOMEBODY *coughcoughMattiecoughcough* dropped a cup in and decided not to take it out before another somebody decided to use the restroom and promptly flush down said bodily wastes, but we got a new cat. That makes three animals in the house, not to mention my sister and dad. Max - the other cat, who has gone through several family pet line-up changes himself, and never was happy about them - is definitely not liking the new addition. Whereas Otto - the dog - stands outside my door whining to play with her. Do you think the cat wants to play? I thought not. But here are some pictures...

She's a 6 month old tortie cat, spayed, affectionate, insane, etc. She also doesn't have a name yet, so feel free to give us ideas, otherwise she'll just be "Kitty" and we're more creative than that, aren't we?
In other news, I have $0.02 on my iTunes account and, even better, new music! Feel free to ask if you need any recommendations. Also, I will probably fail my Persuasive Speech on Global Warming. And does anybody happen to have a nice Oral Interp. piece or a catapult handy? Projects galore in 4th quarter, I'll tell you what. Tomorrow we have a half day, going in to school at 7:30 and coming back home at 12:30. Isn't that lame? Who plans inservices on Wednesday? Fridays if they're going to make us come to school at the crack of dawn at all. I have an eye appointment right after school gets out too. What an awful day.
What is Melanie listening to right now?: Ambulance Chaser - Search the City
P.S. Juno comes out today.
Yeah, I'm gonna call it Pete. Pete the cat. We had stupid band concert tonight. (ickickickick) I need an oral interp thing too. I'm thinking the stinky cheese man version on the ugly duckling... "And it grew up to be a really ugly duck."
holy buckets! The word verification is cphqmnwm. Only in the box the m's, n's, and w's all blend together into a very confusing mass...
today it's dschln!
now it's vnrun. like "VAN! RUN!" sorry dumb joke.
haha, i think you should name it jon. or philip, but that's just me. you could name it Spencer smith and that would be the end of it! wow, i'm sooo tired, sorry if this is all dumb and just a waste of space. well, it obviously is, and i have to blink just so i can see, but i think i'll post it just to show that i love you melly...
where are my drugs when i need them?
mine was ryfnnjyy. like RYFNN JYY! Like ryan jay! or Gryffindor! plus jyy. whatever, screw harry potter and his gay friends.. oh god, not like that... just... nevermind. ignore that
...oh my.
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