But, I went to another Remedy Drive concert! Numero cuatro! I knew there was a reason I've never skipped most of their songs. Not to mention the fact that they take up several spots on my list of most played songs...
Media from the concert, for your enjoyment.
Oh I don't know...what else is there to talk about other than an awesome concert? Not much, that's the answer. How about school? Join the crowd, everyone's doing it.
Geometry's going great. Everyone loves a good scalene triangle (but what is it congruent to? What postulate proves that?). We have a student teacher for this unit. She's pretty much a horrible teacher. I understand that she's a STUDENT teacher, but really. Just let Mr. Foss teach. I'm passing with flying colors...by the way. Espanol. Always fun. I can almost speak sentences fluently. That is, only if I want to know what time you have lunch. (A la ahora tiene el almuerzo? [I think...]). Oh, chemistry...today we burned things. Like soap. And sugar. It was smelly. That's about all you need to know about chemistry, other than it is the only class I have a B in (*fumes* It's destroying my spotless GPA). Psychology is always the highlight of my day. Everyone should take it, especially if they want their faces to be melted off by the sheer amazingness. Today Mr. Aukerman made another Edward Norton reference. It's really starting to freak me out. It's like he knows... Following the highlight of my purgatory in hell, I meet the devil herself. Klawonn. Most people don't refer her as Mrs, either. Trust me, it's not just me... We've been assigned a cute little one month project this week, which is lovely. I'd rather not rant about that now, since there will probably be many more in the future. I have an A though! And to finish the day, I have Modern Civilization. Everyone needs a little history once and awhile, right? Plus I have another cool teacher, so that makes life easier.
Well that was a great little paragraph, huh? I feel quite accomplished, actually. But for something more interesting...

Fall Out Boy's new album Folie à Deux has been POSTPONED! TO DECEMBER! What a horrible thing, right? The three released songs, I Don't Care, Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet, and What A Catch, Donnie are amazing. I suggest everyone gets them from wherever they buy/illegally download mp3's. Also, iTunes was doing a fancy-schmancy little "Countdown to Folie à Deux" where they release something new almost every week until the old release date, which was November 4 (that's why they postponed it, because they decided they didn't want to release it on Election Day). Hopefully, those smarties at Apple won't notice and will continue to release things until everyone just has the whole album. By the way, it is now being released on December 16, 2008. How nice of them to release it two days before my birthday...
RAZIA'S SHADOW! Always on the fringes of my brain waves. I just got an e-mail today, saying it is preparing to be shipped, which is very exciting. 11 days to wait!
Twilight (the movie) is ever so quickly approaching now, as well. 35 days. Not that I'm counting. But I've had enough rants about vampire books for my own good, so I'll keep this one simple. The soundtrack also comes out soon. November 4, ironically. They're not afraid of politics, it seems. Vampires could kill 'em all...
Well, it seems I've run out of things to talk about, and my video hasn't even begun uploading. Forget that then.
What is Melanie listening to right now?: Breaking - Anberlin
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