Tuesday, December 4, 2007

You're Ever So Inviting.

As you can see, I haven't posted in at least two days. I've been busy as of late with Jon shopping, end of the semester homework, and the rest of my life not on the computer. Although most of the homework was on the good 'ol compy. For not posting since Saturday, I sure don't have much to say.

While sitting in the locker room, waiting for my favorite period of the day to end, I had the insane urge to listen to Underoath. I've never liked Underoath in my life, but I've been a fan of Aaron Gillespie's side project The Almost for awhile. So why I am typing up this post, I'm hoping You're Ever So Inviting by Underoath is downloading. Also, today in Individual/Dual sports, we were playing a hardcore game of basketball when I think...well I don't really know what I did, but I hurt my thumb. And it hurts.

I'm finding it quite hard to remember what happened Sunday and Monday. Is that a sign of Alzheimer's? I think I watched Pictures of Hollis Woods on Sunday night instead of doing homework, though. Yeah, that's pretty much how it went down. It's quite a tearjerker, along with all the Hallmark commercials.

I got myself my own salt shaker, so if any of you people are at my house, just ask for me to show you my newfound talent. Or just start singing circus music.

Tonight, I have to start my model for Play Productions. That is my semester test for that class, which is 15% percent of my grade, so I think you'll be hearing a lot about the evil thing. Maybe I'll create a slideshow of pictures of the thing from start to finish...
Countdown to my birthday: 14 days
Number of presents for Melanie under the Jon tree: 0

Well, I can't think of anything more interesting (more or less) to say, so I'll end this day's session of pointless rambling.

What is Melanie listening to right now?: You're Ever So Inviting - Underoath
I'm not listening to that...but I wish I was...

P.S. My sweater guy was wearing his striped jacket today! (Where's the freaking sweater?!?)

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