Well I'd rather not talk about school, seeing as most of you reading my words here attend to the same pit of hell I do. And if you don't, I'm sure you don't want to here about anything miserable such as high school. Exactly.
But music, see, spreads the joy. Along with bashing your head against a SmartBoard and needing more coffee (*coughcoughPsychologycoughcough*).
YAY REMEDY DRIVE!!! Daylight has come! AND IT ROCKS MY WORLD!!! And it should yours too! I'm so excited to see them at LifeLight in a couple of days (AAAHHHH!). Hopefully knowing the songs by the deepest part of my heart will make it even more enjoyable. I'm not quite sure how...but it will! Somehow! Stand Up and All Along are most definitely amazing. Along with Daylight, Hope, What Happens (At The End), Something Made To Last, Belong With You, Heartbeat, Get To Know You, The Sunshine Above The Weather and Valuable. Exactly.
I'm pretty much as equally, if not even more excited for Lost In The Sound Of Seperation, to be delivered September 2nd from Underøath. Hand delivered? I wish. But still. It's exciting stuff. I've only heard the Purevolume version of Desperate Times, Desperate Measures but that song has motivated me to buy the album the day it's released. Along with my obsessive compulsive need to have physical copies of CD's. And seeing as I already have two of Underøath's... Exactly. I sure wish they were going to be at LifeLight. Maybe next year? As long as I see Remedy Drive's shows (yes, plural. AAAHHHH!) I'll be good. Not to mention Switchfoot and Family Force 5.
But enough chatter from me, don't you have something better to do? Exactly.
What is Melanie listening to right now?: Heartbeat - Remedy Drive
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
family force 5,
remedy drive,
Saturday, August 9, 2008
And I Thought I Hated Summer
Well Back To School day was a blast. Not really. My picture is horrendous. You don't even know. Bring out the duct tape to cover up my face until retakes! And of course, it wouldn't be high school unless you had to make the trek from E wing to A wing or vice versa between every period all Sophomore year. And I do take offense to the fact that they put my locker in the Special Ed. hallway. My Ad Room's in the gym for God's sakes! Well, here's my schedule. Please inform me if you're in any of my classes with me. Please.
1. Geometry 1: Foss
2. Spanish 1: Oros
3. Chemistry: Bechard
4. Study/Lunch: Unknown teacher (This worries me. Why does it say elective?)
5. Psychology 1: Aukerman
6. Acc. English 2: Klawonn
7. Modern Civilization: Pooley
1. Spanish 1: Oros
2. Design: Hinton
3. Chemistry: Bechard
4. Geometry: Wilson
5. Lunch/Study: Roberts-Haas
6. Acc. English 2: Klawonn
7. World Geography 1: Daugherty
Happy high school!
What is Melanie listening to right now?: Gone - Switchfoot
P.S. Funny, the lyrics to this song..."Gone like summer break is gone. Gone like Saturday is gone."
1. Geometry 1: Foss
2. Spanish 1: Oros
3. Chemistry: Bechard
4. Study/Lunch: Unknown teacher (This worries me. Why does it say elective?)
5. Psychology 1: Aukerman
6. Acc. English 2: Klawonn
7. Modern Civilization: Pooley
1. Spanish 1: Oros
2. Design: Hinton
3. Chemistry: Bechard
4. Geometry: Wilson
5. Lunch/Study: Roberts-Haas
6. Acc. English 2: Klawonn
7. World Geography 1: Daugherty
Happy high school!
What is Melanie listening to right now?: Gone - Switchfoot
P.S. Funny, the lyrics to this song..."Gone like summer break is gone. Gone like Saturday is gone."
Monday, August 4, 2008
Favorite Song Of The Week
I've been rocking out to this song at top volume for a couple of weeks, so here's to you Whoa Oh!
Whoa Oh! (Me Vs. Everyone)
by: Forever The Sickest Kids
(And they have so many good pictures I might just add two...or four...)

I candy-coat and cover everything
But I'm still hiding underneath
It's been a long time
It's been a long time
A thousand faces looking up at me
Hands all pointed to the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
I've got friends in highly low places
I'm standing on post, and I'm posted up
Can't afford to lose them
I've got friends in highly low places
I'll go inside when I wanna party
Grab a girl and dance
(Don't touch me)
Whoa oh, whoa, whoa oh
Why do I put myself in these situations?
Whoa oh, whoa, whoa oh
I keep pushing myself
Even though I can't take it at all
Girl, who taught you how to move like that?
At this pace you're at you're moving way to fast
I, I saw you from across the room
It's me versus every guy
It's your choice
You choose
I've got friends in highly low places
It's been a long time
It's been a long time
And maybe baby, you could rise above the rest to meet me
Whoa oh, whoa, whoa oh
Why do I put myself in these situations?
Whoa oh, whoa, whoa oh
I keep pushing myself
Even though I can't take it at all (x2)
You're worth losing my self-esteem
Your clever words mean nothing more to me
Than a lot I've heard in a movie
You're worth losing my, losing my
Losing my self-esteem
You're not worth
Putting myself in these situations
Whoa oh, whoa, whoa oh
Why do I put myself in these situations?
Whoa oh, whoa, whoa oh
I keep pushing myself
Even though I can't take it at all (x2)
by: Forever The Sickest Kids
(And they have so many good pictures I might just add two...or four...)

I candy-coat and cover everything
But I'm still hiding underneath
It's been a long time
It's been a long time
A thousand faces looking up at me
Hands all pointed to the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
I've got friends in highly low places
I'm standing on post, and I'm posted up
Can't afford to lose them
I've got friends in highly low places
I'll go inside when I wanna party
Grab a girl and dance
(Don't touch me)
Whoa oh, whoa, whoa oh
Why do I put myself in these situations?
Whoa oh, whoa, whoa oh
I keep pushing myself
Even though I can't take it at all
Girl, who taught you how to move like that?
At this pace you're at you're moving way to fast
I, I saw you from across the room
It's me versus every guy
It's your choice
You choose
I've got friends in highly low places
It's been a long time
It's been a long time
And maybe baby, you could rise above the rest to meet me
Whoa oh, whoa, whoa oh
Why do I put myself in these situations?
Whoa oh, whoa, whoa oh
I keep pushing myself
Even though I can't take it at all (x2)
You're worth losing my self-esteem
Your clever words mean nothing more to me
Than a lot I've heard in a movie
You're worth losing my, losing my
Losing my self-esteem
You're not worth
Putting myself in these situations
Whoa oh, whoa, whoa oh
Why do I put myself in these situations?
Whoa oh, whoa, whoa oh
I keep pushing myself
Even though I can't take it at all (x2)
Friday, August 1, 2008
Yes, A Straight-Jacket Would Be Nice.
Sorry, but I need a moment.
With three hours and some odd minutes until the release of Breaking Dawn, I really need to rant.
As any obsessed Twilighter would know, the summary of Breaking Dawn has been kept securely under wraps. This leads me to worry. What if Edward is killed? What if Bella leaves Edward for Jake (gag!)? There has to be some disaster that would upset the fans. I have reached no other conclusion. You know, minus the fact that they just wanted to build the anticipation. More sales? I don't know. Even Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows was leaked before the release, and I must say I'm proud of everyone who worked to keep B.D. from the same fate. Even though I want to know as much as the next person. And need I bring up that Eclipse knocked the final H.P. book off its #1 spot when it was released? More power to the vampires!
I really don't know why these books are so great. I know I want to think it's Edward, but... As critics say Bella makes a pretty poor heroine, her world just going to the dogs once her man leaves her. That doesn't make a very good role model to anyone, I would think. "But Melanie, I don't know if Stephenie Meyer intended Bella to be anyone's role model." Yes, I know this. But she does make a crappy leading lady anyway. (Edward picks up her slack :D). And I think everyone can admit Bella gets on their nerves every once and awhile. Sure, she is only in her teens throughout the first books, and everyone is a little whiny then, but still... And what about true love? Wasn't that what made Edward and Bella's relationship so appealing? I know that was part of it for me. And then Bella goes and falls in love with Jacob too? (What blackened your soul Stephenie Meyer?!?) Very nice.
I'm definitely Team Edward all the way. If Bella and Edward don't have a happy ending at the end of Breaking Dawn, I'll join the mob with pitchforks and torches swarming Meyer's house. Metaphorically speaking. I have faith in her, though. Go Bella Cullen!
I think a lot of the girls who read the Twilight saga are definitely infatuated with Edward, not to mention all the Cullens. Vampirism is defenitely made quite, I don't know, sexy? That doesn't seem like the right word, but it'll do. And Kait, Alissa and I have added the vampire trait to the list of requirements for proper mate material, before or after running after a bus for us in rush hour traffic. But is it really the undead that makes Edward so appealing? I'm completely convinced it has something to do with his utterly unabridged unselfishness (yay alliteration! Say that five times fast...). He doesn't care, in the end, who Bella chooses or what happens as long as she's happy. So, maybe there is hope for us afterall. Our Edward Cullen is out there somewhere, he just might be a tad warmer and have a beating heart. And, you know, a normal diet. More or less.
Um...I'm running out of rant material. I'm sure if I think of more Twilight trains of thought I'll come and add it...
Only 2 hours 55 minutes and 57 seconds left!
What is Melanie listening to right now?: Addiction And Her Name - There For Tomorrow
P.S. I promise I won't reveal any spoilers...
With three hours and some odd minutes until the release of Breaking Dawn, I really need to rant.
As any obsessed Twilighter would know, the summary of Breaking Dawn has been kept securely under wraps. This leads me to worry. What if Edward is killed? What if Bella leaves Edward for Jake (gag!)? There has to be some disaster that would upset the fans. I have reached no other conclusion. You know, minus the fact that they just wanted to build the anticipation. More sales? I don't know. Even Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows was leaked before the release, and I must say I'm proud of everyone who worked to keep B.D. from the same fate. Even though I want to know as much as the next person. And need I bring up that Eclipse knocked the final H.P. book off its #1 spot when it was released? More power to the vampires!
I really don't know why these books are so great. I know I want to think it's Edward, but... As critics say Bella makes a pretty poor heroine, her world just going to the dogs once her man leaves her. That doesn't make a very good role model to anyone, I would think. "But Melanie, I don't know if Stephenie Meyer intended Bella to be anyone's role model." Yes, I know this. But she does make a crappy leading lady anyway. (Edward picks up her slack :D). And I think everyone can admit Bella gets on their nerves every once and awhile. Sure, she is only in her teens throughout the first books, and everyone is a little whiny then, but still... And what about true love? Wasn't that what made Edward and Bella's relationship so appealing? I know that was part of it for me. And then Bella goes and falls in love with Jacob too? (What blackened your soul Stephenie Meyer?!?) Very nice.
I'm definitely Team Edward all the way. If Bella and Edward don't have a happy ending at the end of Breaking Dawn, I'll join the mob with pitchforks and torches swarming Meyer's house. Metaphorically speaking. I have faith in her, though. Go Bella Cullen!
I think a lot of the girls who read the Twilight saga are definitely infatuated with Edward, not to mention all the Cullens. Vampirism is defenitely made quite, I don't know, sexy? That doesn't seem like the right word, but it'll do. And Kait, Alissa and I have added the vampire trait to the list of requirements for proper mate material, before or after running after a bus for us in rush hour traffic. But is it really the undead that makes Edward so appealing? I'm completely convinced it has something to do with his utterly unabridged unselfishness (yay alliteration! Say that five times fast...). He doesn't care, in the end, who Bella chooses or what happens as long as she's happy. So, maybe there is hope for us afterall. Our Edward Cullen is out there somewhere, he just might be a tad warmer and have a beating heart. And, you know, a normal diet. More or less.
Um...I'm running out of rant material. I'm sure if I think of more Twilight trains of thought I'll come and add it...
Only 2 hours 55 minutes and 57 seconds left!
What is Melanie listening to right now?: Addiction And Her Name - There For Tomorrow
P.S. I promise I won't reveal any spoilers...
breaking dawn,
there for tomorrow,
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