Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Well I'd rather not talk about school, seeing as most of you reading my words here attend to the same pit of hell I do. And if you don't, I'm sure you don't want to here about anything miserable such as high school. Exactly.

But music, see, spreads the joy. Along with bashing your head against a SmartBoard and needing more coffee (*coughcoughPsychologycoughcough*).

YAY REMEDY DRIVE!!! Daylight has come! AND IT ROCKS MY WORLD!!! And it should yours too! I'm so excited to see them at LifeLight in a couple of days (AAAHHHH!). Hopefully knowing the songs by the deepest part of my heart will make it even more enjoyable. I'm not quite sure how...but it will! Somehow! Stand Up and All Along are most definitely amazing. Along with Daylight, Hope, What Happens (At The End), Something Made To Last, Belong With You, Heartbeat, Get To Know You, The Sunshine Above The Weather and Valuable. Exactly.

I'm pretty much as equally, if not even more excited for Lost In The Sound Of Seperation, to be delivered September 2nd from Underøath. Hand delivered? I wish. But still. It's exciting stuff. I've only heard the Purevolume version of Desperate Times, Desperate Measures but that song has motivated me to buy the album the day it's released. Along with my obsessive compulsive need to have physical copies of CD's. And seeing as I already have two of Underøath's... Exactly. I sure wish they were going to be at LifeLight. Maybe next year? As long as I see Remedy Drive's shows (yes, plural. AAAHHHH!) I'll be good. Not to mention Switchfoot and Family Force 5.

But enough chatter from me, don't you have something better to do? Exactly.

What is Melanie listening to right now?: Heartbeat - Remedy Drive

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