Remedy Drive. They should really be the basis of most of my posts, they're very much deserving of it. But alas, they aren't THAT interesting Melanie...(they are, but we don't need to go there). The album is great and amazing live, as predicted. I met them all at LifeLight and they are friendly and gregarious (take that Klawonn!), as they were last time. I was just more knowledgeable as to what their names are.
Underoath. *cough* Lost In The Sound Of Separation...despite the general lack of Aaron Gillespie (other than his preeminent drumming skillz) it pretty much makes you want to rip off your face and stick your skull in acid bath. In a good way. I don't know what else to say, the love of Underoath only applies to a select few, so most of you probably aren't reading this at all.
HEY COME BACK! You should really leave a comment if you came back. Wow. That was so lame. Moving on... (But really, I like comments).
LifeLight. Despite my mysterious, cadaverous sickness, it was a blasty-blast. The Family Force 5 mosh left me in a less-than-appealing state, 'specially after dry heaving...twice. Well, thats what you get for attempting to leave during Luv Addict. Seeing FF5 twice left me in a state of adoration, though. Their album Dance Or Die is currently floating around at the top of my playlists. I also got to see Remedy Drive twice. They were great, I really don't want to describe with words. Or feelings. I'm just so glad I got to see one of my most favorite bands again. They should be coming back to Sioux Falls again in the near future too! I'll be there!
Well, in school, I'm maintaining my 4.0 GPA as far as I know and such. It's going well, I guess. I sometimes feel bad though, learning and acing stuff and things just comes so easy for me. But I guess that makes up for my complete lack of being capable of doing anything else. Like boys...or having a date at winter formal. *glare* You know who you are. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, just pity me, please...
What is Melanie listening to right now?: Radiator - Family Force 5
See what I mean?
See you again in about a month!
Wow mel, this was a pretty beautiful post.
-Sorry about not having a date, obviously I do not either. That would be wierd.
-Blasty-blast made me fall off my chair laughing. I'm not sure why, probably because you're just so hilarious.
-Ugh, Lifelight! Want to go, but lake takes the cake even over Philip. Which is pretty fricking amazing.
-Hmm.. I'm really hungry again. I should find some more food.
-In other news, The Office is on currently!
oh, people are currently trying to GET me a date. i don't WANT one...
A few key points...
* I've had that "Create New Page" thing as my homepage for the last week.
* Underoath... hehehehehe
* I came back
* Lifelight was a blasterific blastacular blasty-blast.
* Kaitlyn's GPA is steadily declining.
* I'm sorry that you have a "complete lack of being capable of doing anything else. Like boys..."
yeah that last bit. there was like no way to get around the awkwardness of how awkward it sounded. so i was like oh screw it! no pun intended...
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