I have a lovely little contest for you today on this fine Friday afternoon! If I was running a business, I would have told you this about a month ago to get the hype up. Alas, you are just reading a simple blog. Nothing to sell here. But a little background first. I love music videos. Who doesn't? I couldn't tell you, but I have 59 music videos on my iPod. And I love them all, so today I am spreading the love. Following this paragraph you will see 15 freeze frames from 15 different videos from my iPod. It is your job to guess what the song the video is for, and what artist each respective video belongs to. You do not have to guess both at the same time if you don't want to, or don't know. And before I said there wouldn't be a prize...and I wasn't lying. I don't know what I can give you. Like I said, I'm not selling anything here. Maybe I'll come up with something. I guest post on my quaint little blog here. That's not much, but that's about all I can give you. And that's assuming that the winner is someone I know. I will define a winner by however I feel most fit in the end. Good luck!

2. IT'S JON WALKER'S MOUTH! Nine In The Afternoon - Panic! At The Disco
He really does have impeccably white teeth. It's a miracle consider he smokes and drinks...
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